Beadlet Anemone (Actinia equina)
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Beadlet Anemone
Actinia equina
208 Litres (55 US G.)
5.1-12.7cm (2-5 ")
8.1 - 8.4
5 -23 °C (41-73.4°F)
8-18 °d
12-70 years
Alternative names[edit]
- Beadlet Anemone, Red Anemone
Tank compatibility[edit]
- This anemone can be territorial towards other anemones and sting both other anemones and soft corals. It can eat small fish and inverts also. Keep this anemone with caution.
- Carnivore: shrimps, fish, crabs and other small creatures it can catch, it also needs light to produce zooxanthellae.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Two to three times a week in captivity. In the wild it catches its food in the tidal zone.
Environment Specifics[edit]
- Shore and tidal zone, rocky substrate, and on stones in the litoral zone
- Generally peaceful, but might sting other small corals and catch small fish and crayfish and eat them.
- Red body and tentacles, with blue knobs around the mouth.