Curlique Anemone (Bartholomea annulata)

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Curlique Anemone

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Curlique Anemone

Bartholomea annulata

76 Litres (20 US G.)

10.2-30.5cm (4-12 ")


8.1 - 8.4

23 -25 °C (73.4-77°F)

8-18 °d

0:0 M:F

Live Foods
Other (See article)

12-25 years

Alternative names[edit]

Ringed Anemone, Corkscrew Anemone, Curly-Cue Anemone


Widespread in the Caribbean.

Tank compatibility[edit]

The Curlique Anemone may eat smaller fish.


Frozen foods, small pieces of fish, crustaceans, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and mussels.

Feeding regime[edit]

About three times a week with a baster or a refugium that is incorporated with the tank.

Environment Specifics[edit]

The Curlique Anemone is suitable for a reef tank, where it can inhabit crevices with larger fish, as smaller ones may be eaten. The only clownfish that may end up hosting it is the Clark's Clownfish, as the anemone is native to a place with no clownfish.


The Curlique Anemonecan deflate itself down to as small as 4 inches; they may disappear from sight when they do. In the aquarium, it prefers crevices, even known to use an empty Queen Conch's shell.


The anemone's column is short and wide, with translucent tentacles ringed with whorls and spirals formed by groups of cnidocytes. The general colour is grey or brown with the cnidocyte area cream coloured.

External links[edit]