Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbeiri)

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Java Moss

Java Moss

Taxiphyllum barbeiri



5.0 - 8.0

15 -28 °C (59-82.4°F)

Max Height

10 cm (3.9")

Max Width

10 cm (3.9")

Common confusion[edit]

The common name is Java Moss. Often quoted erroneously as "Vesicularia dubyana", Java Moss actually belongs to the genus Taxiphyllum.
Java Moss is also commonly sold under "Christmas moss," "Willow moss," "Taiwan moss," and a few other names when, in fact, these are all different plants - Vesicularia montagnei, Fontinalis antipyretica, and Taxiphyllum Alternans (listed respectively) are all different species from axiphyllum Barbieri, formerly Vesicularia dubyana.

Environment Specifics[edit]

A hardy plant which requires little water or light. Java moss grows easily on virtually any surface, so it is ideal for decorating stones, ornaments, and for concealing items in a aquarium.
  • Can be kept in brackish water, which would kill most other plants.

Uses in the aquarium[edit]

Java moss can be attached to rocks and driftwood using fishing line or cotton thread. Over time, the cotton thread will decompose. By the time the thread decomposes, the moss should be established. It can also be used to create a carpet or a moss wall using plastic mesh or plastic canvas.

