Mandor Betta (Betta mandor)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Mandor Betta
Betta mandor
57 Litres (15 US G.)
4-5.7 cm (1.6-2.2")
5.5 - 7
21 -28 °C (69.8-82.4°F)
4-10 °d
2-3:1 M:F
5-8 years
This animal is available captive bred
- Endemic to the Lower Kapuas basin, Kalimantan Barat, Borneo, Indonesia.
- Males - depending on their mood - are much more colorful than the females. The males are more colourful and develop more extended unpaired fins than females, with the opercular bars present in both sexes are usually orange to reddish and more well-defined in males, while golden to yellow in females.
Tank compatibility
- Vigorous community aquarium species can easily intimidate this shy species. Bottom dwellers like loaches can be kept, but can be a distraction when they're breeding.
- Captive bred specimens will readily accept commercially prepared diet.
Feeding regime
- Not particularly unusual, but note that bettas in general are prone to obesity and should have one day a week where they are not fed.
Environment specifics
- These fish come from areas in the wild with few plants, very shallow water, many tree roots, and leaf litter. They are quite happy to have numerous plants in the aquarium, but the other aspects of the environment should be strictly adhered to. They prefer an acidic tank, but are much more flexible than most wild bettas and have been known to spawn in a PH as high as 8! They will most likely appreciate any attempts to reduce the PH as long as it is not too sudden.
- A peaceful, and timid species that can be easily intimidated. Some have said that actual damage from agression in harems are rare, while others have said that it's best kept in pairs as the dominant ones in a harem can pick on lesser ones.
- A species from the Betta foerschi species complex, bearing an uncanny resemblance to closely related species. Sometimes traded as Betta foerschi
External links
- Fishbase (Mirrors: