The Aquarium Wiki provides free webspace to host images of related content. This help file will guide you through the process up uploading your image, or other media file.
On the lefthand side of the page, located the link which reads "Upload file".
Click it and this will bring you to the upload file screen. The next screen looks like this:
Select the "Browse..." button next to the "Source File Name" field. Using the browse feature, locate the file on your computer and click OK. Some text should appear in both of the Source and Destination boxes.
Make sure you note the value of the Destination File name. You should not name it anything like "Fish" or generic names. If somebody else uploaded a file by the same name it would be overwritten.
Please make the names as descriptive as possible. Spaces in names are not allowed and will be converted to '_'. The name in this box is how you will call the file later, if the name is "Yellow_Tag_Hovering_Above_Blue_Coral.jpg" you can include it in your article by using the following code: [[Image:Yellow_Tag_Hovering_Above_Blue_Coral.jpg]].
We prefer to see pictures of animals named after their species as it makes it easier to catalogue.
Possible Errors
- Size Warning - if your picture is large, you may trigger a size warning. If possible try to reduce the size of your picture without losing any quality. If this is not possible you may safely ignore the size warning.
- Duplicate name - If there is already a file by the name you have chosen, you will be given the option to overwrite the old file. Only do this if you are 100% sure you want to overwrite the file. Many times it is better to just rename your file (adding a number to the end of the name is acceptable). All improper overwrites will be rolled back.
Copyright Issues
In the summary box please indicate any copyright information you have on the item. Do NOT submit copyrighted images or content without permission. If you have permission, please indicate so along with the original copyright in the summary field.
If the file is yours then by all means upload it. But if it is taken from another web site, then it's not yours and it is certainly not the property of The Aquarium Wiki! Do not upload these types as it is probably an illegal act.
A few sites offer copyright-free (or copyright-compatible) files like Wikipedia. But please check the license displayed next to the file to be sure you can copy this information to this site.
We have a gentlemen's agreement with sites like Tropica to use their plant images. But we must follow their conditions of use and include a link back to their web site. See the Image Usage page for info on other sites with images we can use.
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