Help:Contents/Images and media/Image Usage
- This page lists the current outside sources for images we have permission to use.
Image Sources[edit]
Permission Obtained by: Quatermass
Images must be unmodified and hosted locally. No 'hotlinking' (this is not permissible by the MediaWiki software anyway. Images can not be retransmitted or distributed.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved |url= |}}
Plant Geek[edit]
Permission Obtained by: Quatermass
Each image page must be correctly labelled with the copyright holders name and a link back to to meet Curt Dunaway requirements.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved | |url= |from= |details=Permission for usage given by Curt Dunaway }}
Betty Splendens[edit]
Permission Obtained by: Quatermass
Images must be unmodified and hosted locally. No 'hotlinking' (this is not permissible by the MediaWiki software anyway). Images can not be retransmitted or distributed.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved |title=Betta splendens |url= |from=Bettysplendens |details=}}
No permission necessary, our scripts only allow for free images to be imported.
Every image will have different conditions associated with it. Please view the image after uploading to view any restrictions. Many images do not allow modifications etc.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
Please use the Special:ImportFreeImages tool to import images from flickr. This will only show you images we have permission to use, and it will automatically apply the appropriate copyright tags.[edit]
Please see:
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved | |url= |details= }}
Aquaria Images[edit]
Permission Obtained by: Quatermass
Credit Richard J. Sexton and link back to his site.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved |title=Richard J. Sexton |url= |from= |details=}}
The Cichlid Gallery[edit]
Permission Obtained by: Quatermass
Credit Fredrik Hagblom and link back to his site.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved |title=Fredrik Hagblom |url= |from= |details= }}
Xinmincat on Flickr[edit]
Permission Obtained by: Catxx
Credit Xinmin and link back to her flickr page.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved |title=Xinmin |url= |from= |details=}}
Planet Inverts[edit]
Permission Obtained by: PsiPro
Each image page must be correctly labeled with the copyright holders name, the watermark also must not be removed.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved |title=Planet Inverts |url= |from= |details=Permission for usage given by Ryan Wood }}
DaraghOwens on Flickr[edit]
Permission Obtained by: Catxx
Each image page must be correctly labeled with the copyright holders name, the watermark also must not be removed.
Proper copyright tag[edit]
{{Rights reserved |title=DaraghOwens on Flickr |url= |from= |details=Permission for usage given by Daragh Owens }}
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