Why contribute?[edit]
As with most Wikis of the world, The Aquarium Wiki is fueled by our members generously donating their time to write our articles. Without you we would be nothing. We aim to help senior aquarists as well as junior aquarists. By writing or editing an article, you could be helping others.
Is it hard?[edit]
No, it's not! It's actually very simple. At the top of every page is an edit button, clicking that will allow you to edit any page on this site. Keep in mind that all changes are recorded. Abuse will result in disciplinary action and a simple rollback of your changes.
How to start an article[edit]
The first step is to ensure the article has not yet been created. The easiest way is to use the search function at the top right of the page to search for your intended article. If nothing on that topic exists, you will receive an error "There is no page titled ":XXXXXX". You can create this page." Click on the "create this page" link and you will be directed to the editing field.
What code do I use?[edit]
Please try to keep articles standardised in the way they look, or at least the way the beginning works. You may copy the text below for the current article standard:
Standard profiles[edit]
All profiles have been moved to another category, please see Category:Standard Templates
For more information please read this article on the Official Wikipedia site
Adding categories[edit]
In the code above you will be changing this line:
Change the word Uncategorized to the appropriate category name. If you have any trouble another editor will be along to fix the categories, just leave the article marked as Uncategorized.