Turquoise Severum (Heros efasciatus)

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Turquoise Severum

Heros efasciatus-3009.jpg
Turquoise Severum

Heros efasciatus

170 Litres (45 US G.)

17.8-25.4cm (7-10 ")




5.0 - 7.0

23 -29 °C (73.4-84.2°F)

0-6 °d

1:1 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

2-10 years



Additional names

Turquoise Severum, Red Shouldered Severum

Additional scientific names

Chromys appendiculata, Chromys fasciata, Cichlasoma severum perpunctatum, Heros appendiculatus, Uarus centrarchoides


It is not possible to sex juveniles, but mature males will be more colourful and have extended dorsal and anal fins.

Tank compatibility[edit]

A reasonably peaceful large Cichlid, can be kept a little like Discus by way of temperament. Can be relatively peaceful but can still be a Cichlid. Should not be kept with bite-sized tank mates, nor with very aggressive or territorial fish as this Severum can be shy.


Not too fussy a feeder, they do well on a protein rich diet such as bloodworm as well as high quality Cichlid pellets.

Feeding regime[edit]

Feed once or twice a day.

Environment specifics[edit]

Requires a spacious and well filtered tank with secure hiding places.


In many ways a gentle giant but can be territorial at times.


External links[edit]