Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum)
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Amazon Frogbit
Limnobium laevigatum
18 -28 °C (64.4-82.4°F)
Max Height
5 cm (2")
Max Width
25.4cm (10 ")
- A floating aquatic plant which bears a superficial similarity to the water hyacinth. Young plants grow in swirling rosettes which lie flat on the water's surface. A characteristic trait of the young plants is the presence of spongy aerenchyma tissue on the underside of the leaf. Adult plants produce small white flowers during reproduction.
- They can reproduce both sexually via flowering and asexually via fragmentation of stolon segments. This ability to easily vegetatively reproduce enables them to have a huge capacity for quickly spreading over a large area.
Alternative Names and variants[edit]
- Amazon Frogbit, South American Frogbit
Other similar species[edit]
- Hydrocharis morsus-ranae - European Frogbit
- Limnobium spongia - American Frogbit
Environment Specifics[edit]
- Requires good light, a mature tank preferably receiving fertilisation and slow to medium water flow.
- Very handy plant to give shade and security to small fish or fry. The long roots provide a growth medium for infusoria an important food for small fish.