Template:Fish Data
Primary fish profile
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Name | name | no description
| String | required |
Species | species | no description
| String | required |
Image | image | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Caption | caption | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Type | type | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Maximum Specific Gravity | max_sg | The maximum specific gravity this species can tolerate without adverse effects to it's health
| Number | optional |
Min_sg | min_sg | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Difficulty | difficulty | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Minimum Tank Size | min_tank_size | no description
| Number | optional |
Tank Size Unit | min_tank_size_unit | Gallons or Liters
| String | optional |
Min_size | min_size | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Max_size | max_size | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Size_units | size_units | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Min_ph | min_ph | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Max_ph | max_ph | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Min_temperature | min_temperature | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Max_temperature | max_temperature | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Temperature_units | temperature_units | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Min_water_hardness | min_water_hardness | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Max_water_hardness | max_water_hardness | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Stocking_ratio_male | stocking_ratio_male | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Stocking_ratio_female | stocking_ratio_female | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Availability | availability | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Diet | diet | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Food_pellet | food_pellet | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Food_flake | food_flake | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Food_live | food_live | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Food_other | food_other | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Min_life_span | min_life_span | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Max_life_span | max_life_span | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Habitat | habitat | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Family | family | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Captive_bred | captive_bred | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Stub | stub | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Extra_common_names | extra_common_names | no description
| Unknown | optional |
Extra_scientific_names | extra_scientific_names | no description
| Unknown | optional |

This documentation is transcluded from Template:Fish Data/doc.
The {{Fish Data}} template is used for creating a template for profiles for fish, amphibians and reptiles.
This is the common name of the fish in question. Generally the most common name should be listed here.
This filed should be set to the file name the image that will be displayed in the profile box
This caption will be displayed beneath the image
This is the species name of the most commonly associated fish, it should generally be the same as the page name
This should be set as a rating of difficulty. Only values from Template:Units-difficulty will be recognized.
This is the minimum tank size that the fish should be kept in. This should only be a numeric value, and contain no units. Either Liters or US Gallons may be used.
This value should indicate the units you used in the min_tank_size variable. You should enter either L or Gal. This value is passed to the Template:Units-vol, so only strings recognized there will be understood.
This is the maximum size that the fish commonly grows to in captivity. Units can be either cm or inches. Only numeric values should be entered.
This is the units you entered the max_size value for. Generally you should enter either cm or in here. Values are parsed using Template:Units-size
This value is used to denote the lower range of the animals viable temperature. The value can be in either Ferinheight or Celsius. The units must match the max_temperature variable.
The high end of the animals viable temperature range. The value can be in either Ferinheight or Celsius. The units must match the max_temperature variable.
This variable defines the units used in the min_temperature and max_temperature variables. Understood variables are F and C. These values are parsed by Template:Units-temp
This variable represents the minimum pH the animal can tolerate. This should be a numeric value.
This variable represents the maximum pH the animal can tolerate. This should be a numeric value.
This variable represents the minimum water hardness the animal can tolerate. This should be a numeric value.
This variable represents the maximum water hardness the animal can tolerate. This should be a numeric value.
This number, combined with the stocking ratio male should indicate the number of males to females to keep in single tank.
This number, combined with the stocking ratio female should indicate the number of males to females to keep in single tank.
This is a string representing how common a fish is. This string is parsed by the Template:Units-availability template.
This is a string representing the type of food this animal should be fed. This value is parsed by the Template:Units-diet
This is a boolean (1 for true, or 0 for false) indicating if this fish will accept pellet food.
This is a boolean (1 for true, or 0 for false) indicating if this fish will accept flake food.
This is a boolean (1 for true, or 0 for false) indicating if this fish will accept live food.
This is a boolean (1 for true, or 0 for false) indicating if this fish will accept fresh veggies.
This is a boolean (1 for true, or 0 for false) indicating if this fish will requires a non-standard food.
This variable indicates the low-end of the expected lifespan of the fish.
This variable indicates the high-end of the expected lifespan of the fish.
This value is used to indicate the low end of the tolerable specific gravity. For freshwater set this to one, or leave it blank.
This value is used to indicate the high end of the tolerable specific gravity. For freshwater set this to one, or leave it blank.
{{Fish Data |name = |image = |caption = |species = |difficulty = |min_tank_size = |min_tank_size_unit = |max_size = |min_size = |size_units = |min_ph = |max_ph = |min_temperature = |max_temperature = |temperature_units = |min_water_hardness = |max_water_hardness = |stocking_ratio_female = |stocking_ratio_male = |availability = |diet = |food_pellet = |food_flake = |food_live = |food_vegetables = |food_other = |min_life_span = |max_life_span = |min_sg = |max_sg = }}
Change log
- March 3, 2011
- Change log started<div style="clear:both;" />