Bumblebee Catfish (Batrochoglanis raninus)

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Bumblebee Catfish

Batrochoglanis raninus

170 Litres (45 US G.)

18-20 cm (7.1-7.9")




6.0 - 7.0

21 -25 °C (69.8-77°F)

8-10 °d

1:1 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

8-12 years



Additional names

Bumblebee Catfish

Additional scientific names

Pimelodus raninus, Pseudopimelodus raninus raninus, Pseudopimelodus acanthochirus


Males are slimmer than females.

Tank compatibility[edit]

This fish is predatory so should only be kept with fish larger than itself, anything smaller will be eaten. Has been known to eat fish of similar size that are slim-bodied such as other slender catfish. Keep with top-dwelling and fast-moving fish.


In nature goes stalk-hunting, swallowing prey within its range. Starts feeding on microcrustaceans and aquatic insect larvae, then shifts it diet to fishes of notable size. In the aquarium all foods are accepted greedily. An opportunistic feeder that seems pleased to eat anything that it can fit in its wide mouth.

Feeding regime[edit]

Feed once or twice a day.

Environment specifics[edit]

Prefers small gravel or sand substrate with many hiding places, leaf litter is appreciated.


They can be territorial towards other bottom dwelling species, such as other Catfish or Loaches, resulting in constant competition for caves, rocks, and other hiding spaces.


An elongate rounded catfish with long barbels and a flattened depressed head with small eyes. The colour pattern is basically a dark brown to black overall with a white to cream colour collar around the nape. A single hint of cream coloured marking is also present on the body just above the lateral line and below the dorsal-fin. There is a a light coloured band (which may be incomplete) just fore of the caudal peduncle and a pair of light markings on the caudal peduncle. There is a light marking at the base of the adipose and the tip of the adipose is clear.


External links[edit]