Tucan Fish (Chalceus erythrurus)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Tucan Fish
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Chalceus erythrurus
208 Litres (55 US G.)
17.8-20.3cm (7-8 ")
6.8 - 7.5
22.2-25.6°C (72 -78 °F)
6-10 °d
1:2 M:F
3-8 years
Additional names
- Tucan Fish
Additional scientific names
- Plethodectes erythrurus, Chalceus macrolepidotus iquitensis, Pellegrinina heterolepis
- Very difficult to sex visually.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- A large and predatory fish that should not be kept with smaller fish. Only keep with similar-sized or larger robust fish. This fish should be kept singly or in groups of 6-8 or more to spread any aggression.
- Will accept most meaty foods including pellet and flake as well as live/frozen food such as earthworms, shrimp, bloodworm and other meaty treats.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once or twice a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- A laterally long tank is essential with plenty of open swimming space and excellent filtration. A secure lid is a must as this fish is known to jump.
- A large active predatory fish.
- An elongate, laterally compressed fish with very large scales for the size of its body. The upper parts have rows of large scales, while the lower parts have much smaller ones. It can be differentiated from Chalceus macrolepidotus mainly by the red or yellow (as opposed to pink) caudal fin. In addition, it has yellow pectoral and pelvic fins and may also have some yellow colouration on the body. It is seen for sale as often as its relative, although it's quite abundant in nature.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination)