Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Maroon Clownfish
Premnas biaculeatus
284 Litres (75 US G.)
15-17 cm (5.9-6.7")
8.1 - 8.5
22.2-25.6°C (72 -78 °F)
8-12 °d
1:1 M:F
2-5 years
This animal is available captive bred
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Additional names
- Maroon Clownfish, Spinecheek Clownfish
Additional scientific names
- Chaetodon biaculeatus, Holocentrus sonnerat, Lutianus trifasciatus
- Males will be smaller and darker than the female, all Clownfish are born males and the dominant one will become female. This species is harder to pair up than other Clownfish.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- Aggressive, highly territorial. Adults will occupy around 50 gallons of territory, and will attack anything entering their territory, including the hand of an Aquarist attempting to clean the tank. House them with Semi-aggressive and Aggressive species that can hold their own, and avoid housing them with peaceful and timid species.
- Will take most kinds of marine food including live foods such as krill and flake.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Associated with the anemone Entacmaea quadricolor.
- Typical oval Clownfish shape. Has a distinctive prominent preopercular spine that extends across the head-bar. It has three slender vertical white bands, one over the head, one down the centre of the body and one on the caudal peduncle. Juveniles and males bright red, females become maroon to nearly black.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: )